When life throws you an unexpected curve, it's good to know you may have options to help you deal with financial emergencies.
To apply, fill out the Self-Certification Unforeseeable Emergency Form (PDF) and return it to us via mail. The Self-Certification Unforeseeable Emergency Form is available on the Forms page under Distribution Forms.
While making the decisions related to this unforeseeable emergency request, please keep in mind that the Plan allows for two self-certified unforeseeable emergencies in a calendar year.
Not all circumstances qualify as unforeseeable emergencies. According to IRS requirements, your requested distribution shouldn't exceed the amount that is reasonably needed to meet the emergency plus any additional taxes and penalties. You may also be able to apply for a loan from your account or withdraw money from your account if you are terminating employment. Keep in mind that withdrawing large amounts from your account may make rebuilding your retirement investments more difficult in the future.
Contact the HELPLINE for more information or to apply for an unforeseeable emergency distribution.
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