
Kinship program gets federal financial boost, governor says

FRANKFORT, Ky. (KT) – Kentucky, which has one of the highest rates of kinship care in the United States, is going to have more aid available for those who are. (Read more)

New research shows Kentucky foster youth transitioning into adulthood face resources gap

Kentucky’s former foster youth have a steeper climb into adulthood than their peers, according to new research. Among 21-year-olds with foster-care histories, the data show 63% reported having stable housing. (Read more)

Updates to KY Benefits Program 'KTAP' Aim to Help Family Caregivers

New changes to Kentucky's temporary benefits program - known as KTAP - increase the amount of money families receive to keep pace with inflation. The program, which provides direct cash. (Read more)

Family First: Readiness Assessment, Planning, and Implementation

Chapin Hall is collaborating with jurisdictions and organizations across the country as they assess readiness and plan for Family First implementation and align their child welfare system with the transformational. (Read more)

Jurisdictional Candidacy Definitions 10.31.19

This resource from Chapin Hall & Casey Family Programs focuses on candidacy criteria and considerations for six jurisdictions that had submitted Prevention Plans as of 10.31.19: Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska. (Read more)

Kentucky Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the Department for Community Based Services and its partners are equally committed to early implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act. (Read more)

Kentucky Delegation Letter to Senator McConnell

Kentucky's Secretary of the Cabinet for Health & Family Services wrote a letter to Senator McConnell, highlighting concerns with the Prevention Services Clearinghouse - including suggestion for adjustments to the. (Read more)