Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Ambulocetus? A. It could hear well underwater. B. It lacked hind limbs. C. Its teeth resemble modern whale teeth. D. It was slow. How can scientists determine whether an extinct animal gave birth on land or underwate A. Location of the hind limbs of the fetus B. Position of the nostrils C. Position of the head of the fetus D. Location of the fossils Fossils of Basilosaurus resemble those of modern whales because- A. there are similarities in both anatomy and size. B. they both have the exact same fossil coloring. C. they lived during the same time period. D. there are similarities in where the fossils were found.

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Lottie Bernard Veteran · Tutor for 10 years


B. It lacked hind limbs.

Question 5:
1 pts
How can scientists determine whether an extinct animal gave birth on land or underwater?
A. Location of the hind limbs of the fetus
B. Position of the nostrils
C. Position of the head of the fetus
D. Location of the fossils
【Explanation】: The method to ascertain whether an extinct animal gave birth on land or underwater involves examining certain anatomical features. Among the given options, the key indicator is the position of the nostrils, as it reflects the adaptation for breathing in either terrestrial or aquatic environments.
【Answer】: B. Position of the nostrils.

Question 6:
1 pts
Fossils of Basilosaurus resemble those of modern whales because -
A. there are similarities in both anatomy and size.
B. they both have the exact same fossil coloring.
C. they lived during the same time period.
D. there are similarities in where the fossils were found.
【Explanation】: Basilosaurus is an ancient whale, and the resemblance with modern whales is likely due to anatomical similarities. Options A and D provide potential reasons, but the most accurate explanation is that Basilosaurus fossils resemble modern whales in both anatomy and size.
【Answer】: A. there are similarities in both anatomy and size.

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Ambulocetus is a prehistoric whale ancestor. To determine the incorrect statement, we need to consider Ambulocetus characteristics. Options A, C, and D align with features common in whale ancestors. However, Ambulocetus did have hind limbs, so option B is NOT true.